How to Register: Hazardous Waste Compliance Manager™

The Aarcher Institute’s Hazardous Waste Compliance Manager™ course is designed to provide both beginning and advanced waste generators, handlers, and managers with the tools and understanding needed to master the complexities of RCRA, while avoiding the confusion and faulty interpretations that can lead to regulatory pitfalls. This 5-day course incorporates a series of presentations, in-depth discussions, and practical exercises designed to guide participants towards mastery of RCRA.

Contact us or call 410-897-0037 to register for the Hazardous Waste Compliance Manager™ training. Please let us know the date and location of your preferred sessions and which days you would like to participate.

Identifying and Characterizing Wastes Accurately: The EPA requires businesses to understand and determine whether or not their waste is hazardous. We start with a basic overview of the history of waste disposal and the legacy of issues created by past practices (legal and illegal). In order to understand how RCRA impacts many facilities, we incorporate a virtual facility into the training. This facility is representative of many RCRA problems that will be discussed throughout the 5 days. Day 1 continues with an understanding of the EPA’s definitions of “Solid Waste” and “Hazardous Waste.” We will provide a process for determining if wastes are hazardous and, if so, what waste code (or codes) apply and how to identify characteristic wastes and listed wastes, how spent solvents are regulated, and how mixtures and treatment residues are regulated. However, we believe that it is critical to understand how to utilize the tools we provide at the outset of the day, including Title 40 Subtitle C of the Code of Federal Regulations and RCRA Unraveled to find the information you need.

Waste Accumulation & Management: Each day will start with a short review of the previous day. Day 2 begins with a quick review of Day 1 and answering any questions held over from the previous day. We will continue Day 2 by helping you understand the rules you have to comply with if you generate hazardous waste by covering key RCRA requirements for both small- and large-quantity generators and provide you with practical guidance on how to comply. Major topics include waste counting, satellite and 90/180-day accumulation, and recordkeeping. You will also learn how the major exclusions and exemptions work and how to manage special types of hazardous waste such as universal wastes, electronic wastes, aerosol cans, and solvent-contaminated wipes.

Transfer & Disposal: After a review of Day 2, we will start Day 3 by reviewing and clarifying complicated aspects of RCRA. For example, we will explain how to treat wastes without a permit and how to determine if recycled material is a “solid waste.” As the EPA is moving toward an electronic manifest system, we’ll review the current paper manifest as well as an update on the EPA’s implementation of the “e-manifest” and the impact on the land disposal restrictions (LDR) and present specific procedures for LDR compliance. You will also gain an understanding of the importance of treatment standards, identifying underlying hazardous constituents (UHCs), and how to fill out the paperwork.

Advanced RCRA Compliance: Day 4 will begin with our review of Day 3 and continue the discussion of advanced RCRA topics beginning with the RCRA air emission standards in Subparts AA, BB, and CC. We’ll also discuss the top ten most common RCRA violations and how to avoid them. Other topics include sampling, used oil management, and the most important things you need to know about hazardous waste tanks, surface impoundments, and waste piles. We will also review what to expect during a RCRA inspection.

Spills & Releases: Day 5 is a half-day program (we adjourn at noon) covering corrective action, the contained-in policy, and remediation waste management. Spills and spill residues are potentially regulated under RCRA and we will discuss how to manage them under the federal program and some state examples. We will also review some considerations when managing debris from demolition projects. We will conclude with a review of the changes that have occurred in recently RCRA preview of how RCRA may change in the next few years.


Any 1 Day of Classes: $485.00

Any 2 Days of Classes: $965.00

Any 3 Days of Classes: $1375.00

Any 4 Days of Classes: $1795.00

All 5 Days of Classes: $1925.00