Clean Air Compliance Manager™

Advanced training for environmental professionals responsible for air emission compliance, permitting, and management.

Understand air emission requirements and practical compliance strategies.

Clean Air Compliance Manager™ has been presenting a comprehensive overview of the Federal Clean Air Act (CAA), its history and drivers, and an outline of each of the titles of the 1990 CAA Amendments since 2005. The various associated regulatory structures are examined in detail, and the implications of each for your organization are reviewed.

The structured, logical approach of the course enables both new and seasoned professionals to better understand the complex web of interconnected federal air quality regulations, and to more effectively manage their compliance activities. This program will help you to proactively ask the right questions about air quality compliance and your operations, and to more effectively manage compliance to stay ahead of potential enforcement action.

Who should attend this course?

This course is perfect for anyone responsible for managing or evaluating Clean Air Act compliance, implementing permit requirements, performing emissions monitoring, addressing organizational risk, or seeking emissions permits.

What is the course format?

The Clean Air Compliance Manager™ is a rigorous 3-day course that includes discrete training modules and group discussions to make the course more interesting and engaging, and to reinforce concepts. The course is presented in pleasant and easily accessible locations selected to allow you to escape distractions and focus on the information in a professional setting. We will take frequent breaks throughout the day, and a full 1-hour break for lunch.

All locations offer wireless service and Internet access so you can stay connected. Our instructors teach exclusively for the Aarcher Institute, presenting Aarcher’s exclusive content. Discussions among instructors and participants explore unique environmental management challenges and proven compliance strategies, and all participants are encouraged to ask questions throughout the course.

What does this course deliver?

Clean Air Compliance Manager™ covers the complex Clean Air Act regulatory matrix within a systematic and logical structure, presented by an air permitting and compliance expert with decades of applied experience. If you are new to air regulatory compliance, this course will provide the foundation necessary to assume air compliance responsibilities. If you have previous experience with air quality compliance, the program will prepare you to take a leadership role in your organization’s air compliance program.

You will return from this course with a course binder, your notes from the presentations and discussions, useful references, example documents, and other tools to assist you in the future. Upon completion of the course, you will received an embossed certificate and instructor contact information for followup questions.

If you maintain professional credentials requiring continuing education credits, Clean Air Compliance Manager™ has been approved for credits by all environmental, safety, legal, and engineering certifying bodies.

What’s covered in the course?

This course is presented over three days by an environmental professional with decades of relevant experience who is able to address both regulatory requirements and practical compliance strategies. Information is presented in a series of well-crafted modules, interspersed with real-life scenarios and opportunities for structured class discussion. This course has been refined over many presentations and demonstrates ever-increasing value to attendees.

Topics Covered Include:

  • Air Pollution and the History of Air Quality Management and Regulation
  • Details of the 1990 Clean Air Act Amendments
  • National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) and Ambient Monitoring
  • State Implementation Plans (SIPs)
  • New Source Performance Standards (NSPS) and Control of Criteria Pollutants
  • National Emissions Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAPS) and Control of Air Toxics
  • Prevention of Accidental Release of Hazardous and Flammable Chemicals
  • Greenhouse Gas Emissions – Reporting and Regulation
  • Protection of Stratospheric Ozone
  • Air Emission Inventories (AEI)
  • Major Source Preconstruction Permitting (PSD and Nonattainment New Source Review)
  • Air Dispersion Modeling for Permitting and Compliance
  • Title V Operating Permits
  • Mobile Source Regulations
  • Air Pollution Control Technologies
  • Clean Air Act Enforcement
  • Clean Air Act Compliance Management

Course Agendas are subject to change

Day One 8:15 am – 4:15 pm

  • Comprehensive Overview of the Clean Air Act
  • The New Source Performance Standards Program
  • New Source Review Programs: A Review of Major Source Permitting
  • The Regulation of Air Toxics/Hazardous Air Pollutants

Day Three 8:15 – 3:00

  • Title VI and the Protection of Stratospheric Ozone
  • Accidental Release Programs
  • Regulation of Mobile Sources/Fuels
  • Compliance Assurance and Certification/Inspections
  • Global Warming and Federal Regulation of Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Day Two 8:15 am – 4:15 pm

  • Title V Permitting Program
  • The National Ambient Air Quality Standards
  • State Implementation Plans
  • Developing the Emissions Inventory
  • Modeling Air Emissions
  • Determining and Selecting Control Equipment
  • Process and Control Equipment Monitoring Requirements
  • Recordkeeping for Compliance

John Kumm, PE, BCEE, CC-P, CEM, LEED AP, is an environmental regulatory compliance specialist with over 40 years of experience in industry and consulting.  He has served as principal course developer and instructor for Aarcher’s Clean Air Compliance Manager course since 2012.  John is a registered Professional Environmental Engineer (PE), Board Certified in Air Pollution Control (BCEE), a Certified Climate Change Professional (CC-P), a Certified Energy Manager (CEM), and a LEED Accredited Professional (LEED-AP).  John holds a B.S. in Chemical Engineering and an M.S. in Engineering Management from the University of Maryland, and an M.E. and Post-Master’s Advanced Certificate in Environmental Engineering from The Johns Hopkins University.  He is currently a Senior Engineer/Senior Project Manager and Technical Chief of Environmental Health, Safety and Sustainability at EA Engineering, Science, and Technology, Inc., PBC in Hunt Valley, Maryland. He specializes in environmental regulatory compliance management, and sustainability.